The “2018 Statements of Faith Sermon” was professed at Sunnyside Presbyterian Church on May 20, 2018 by five confirmation students using excerpts from their own individually written statements. You can listen to an audio recording of this sermon here.
Acts 2:1-21
1 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
5 Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 6 And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. 7 Amazed and astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” 12 All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” 13 But others sneered and said, “They are filled with new wine.”
14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, “Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. 15 Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning. 16 No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel:
17 ‘In the last days it will be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams.
18 Even upon my slaves, both men and women,
in those days I will pour out my Spirit;
and they shall prophesy.
19 And I will show portents in the heaven above
and signs on the earth below,
blood, and fire, and smoky mist.
20 The sun shall be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood,
before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day.
21 Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
Taylor: This past year we had seven our eighth graders enroll in confirmation. They came together to learn more about the Presbyterian tradition and build a confidence in their own beliefs. It is also a time for our youth to discern whether they are ready to join the church. One of our students faithfully made the decision not to join. One of our students was received as a member during our session meeting on May 7th. The other five are here before you today, the day of Pentecost, to profess their beliefs.
Our passage in Acts, one the day of Pentecost, has people coming together to profess their beliefs. From all over, people of different ethnicities, cultures, lands, and even languages came to be the church. What they thought divided them were brought together by the Spirit. In that moment, still in their own languages, they understood one another, and they become the Church.
This too happens today on Confirmation Sunday; our students in their own voices have written what they believe, and yet we understand them as part of our own voice. They have come to be the church. The Spirit moves through them; let us listen.
Taylor: What do you believe about the Trinity?
Matthew: I believe that the Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I also believe that we define God in the way of the Trinity.
Theo: I believe in the Holy Trinity that is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Holy Trinity is like the mind, body, and spirit of a human being.
Madelyn: I believe as God being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one or the Trinity. Trinity is God as all three: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe that we define God this way because he is a Father to all of humankind, he is the greatest and holiest Spirit, and he is the Son.
Taylor: What do you believe about God?
Theo: To me God is the almighty Creator of every single thing in the entire universe from a tiny grain of sand on a beach to the billions of stars in the galaxy.
Logan: We are in God’s world, so that God can help us by teaching us new lessons each and every day through various methods, spreading God’s Word.
Ben: I believe God is the Creator, and He is making us more caring and loving. He still does a lot of work for us. Some of the work He does for us is He spreads his Word in the church. This year, during the adoption process, there were a few times that the Ethiopian government said we might not make the cutoff for adoption. We ended up making it past that step, and now I have a younger sister… This is God’s work.
Taylor: What do you believe about Jesus?
Matthew: I believe that Jesus is God's form as a human on earth. I believe that we say that Jesus is our Messiah because he is our savior, our leader, and he is the one who taught us about our faith. I believe that Jesus, the king of kings, lived a simple life among his people and that he died for us and our sins, even though he was pure.
Ben: I believe Jesus was the one who died on the cross for us. I believe He came to save us. I believe Jesus lived by spreading God’s Word. I believe resurrection is when Jesus rose from the dead. I believe that we could all rise and have a life in heaven.
Logan: The resurrection of Jesus is a symbol of eternal life for all.
Taylor: What do you believe about the Holy Spirit?
Theo: I believe in the Holy Spirit. To me, the Holy Spirit is God and his work on Earth after Jesus’ death. The Holy Spirit is alive today in many ways. It is alive through peace, love, positivity, and much much more. I see the Holy Spirit in many people and their actions: like the pastors preaching God’s Word and those who go to help on mission trips. I try and represent the Holy Spirit in me through my actions and good deeds.
Madelyn: I believe that the Holy Spirit is God in a spirit form. The Holy Spirit is also the Father and the Son. It is alive in the world today because it influences our choices and keeps the faith in God alive. God is still looking after us even though he isn’t on earth, and he wants us to know that. I feel the Holy Spirit in my life the most when I am doing something helpful for someone. I feel like the Spirit’s presence is making everyone in a good mood, and helps everyone be nice to each other.
Logan: The Holy Spirit is the spirit version of God, and is sent by God to guide us along the path with God. We can feel its presence and hear it, but we never see it. The Holy Spirit is guiding us through our lives, helping us grow closer to God every step of the way.
Matthew: I believe that the Holy Spirit enables us to have faith in God and is alive in all of us as we fulfil God’s plan for our lives. The Holy Spirit in alive in the world today and can be seen in all of us as we share love and joy of the Holy Spirit with others in the world. I see the Holy Spirit in action when helping others in need, kindness bestowed on others, and also in trying to live a life in the Christian faith.
Ben: I believe the Holy Spirit is what inspires you to do the right thing. I believe that the Holy Spirit is alive today. I believe It is alive when I am writing or doing school-work and an idea pops into my head. I believe that the Holy Spirit is also alive when you go to a new place and you have the feeling that it is the coolest or most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. The Holy Spirit has impacted my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine, like the decision to pick Grandma Jean as my mentor or the day Pastor Taylor asked me to be liturgist. These made my heart full of Holy Spirit.
Taylor: What do you believe about the Bible?
Madelyn: I believe that the Bible is the Word of God written by many people. The Bible is written by many different people because they all had different things to tell about how God and Jesus had an impact on their lives. It has the same overall message, but it is written by lots of different people. I believe that the overall message is that God is the almighty and is willing to help people, as long as they have faith in him and Jesus. The Bible tells us how to live according to God and also as Christians.
Logan: The Bible is the Word of God, and it shows us how to be Christian through various stories that teach us many lessons about how to properly live as Christians. The Bible teaches us about the Jewish law, history, and prophecy in the Old Testament. The New Testament teaches us about Jesus, the Gospels, and Paul’s Letters. Various people wrote the Bible, but each piece of the Bible leads back to God in some way. We read the Bible to learn more about God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus in ways such as who they are, what they have accomplished, and what they can do in our lives. We may also look to the Bible for guidance on certain situations, for hope, or for peace in our lives.
Taylor: What do you believe about mission and outreach?
Logan: Mission and outreach is, in a way, spreading our beliefs about our faith to make the lives of everyone we come in contact with better. We go on mission trips to connect with God and to connect with ourselves. I like to help people in many ways, such as going to Hope Ministries and serving dinners for the people there. The Bible says we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We’re called to serve others because we should act as the hands and feet of Christ and to show our Christian love.
Theo: Mission and outreach is when we as Christians go and try and spread the good of Christianity. This could be repainting buildings in Michigan or going overseas to help build homes. We do it so other people can learn about Christianity and take benefit from us. Mission trips are part of this. We go on mission trips to learn about ourselves and others and to help many people. I personally have not gone on a mission trip yet, but I look forward to going on one in the coming years. I love to help others. It makes me, and hopefully them, feel good. I think it could make a change in other people's lives. One of my favorite ways to help others is to go to Hope Ministries in South Bend and serve food. It helps the people who might not have food and who are just trying to get back on their feet. It is also a great bonding experience for me and my friends. In the Bible, it says to love your neighbor as you love yourself and I truly try to do that, though sometimes it can be challenging. Outreach is doing good deeds and helping out others, creating opportunities to spread the Word of God; it’s even as simple as talking to them about Sunnyside.
Taylor: Why do we live in a Christian community?
Matthew: I believe that we live in a Christian community because it is easier to learn the religion with other people, and it is a more meaning and fulfilling place to live. I believe to be part of a church means to always support the church and support the people in the church.
Theo: When you live in a Christian community, you are making a commitment to give your time, talent, and tithes. This means that you should try and attend all that you can, donate all that you can, and give back to the church by helping others out. If someone asks you to do something, you should try and do it, rather than not do it just because you do not want to. It is important for me to be in a Christian community, so I learn valuable lessons from God through the people around me. As it says in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Clearly God wants us to be in community together.
Ben: At church I feel safe, loved, and I feel like I belong there. I can participate in activities and go on mission trips. I help those in need, pray for those that might need a prayer, and I pledge to give my time and gifts in any way I can: I can be liturgist, I can volunteer, I can take charge and help lead things, and I can participate in mission trips and service projects.
Taylor: What do you believe about the Sacraments?
Theo: The sacraments are an important part of our Christian community. They are part of our belief in God. In the Presbyterian branch of Christianity, we believe in only two sacraments. This is because these are the only ones that Jesus directly commanded us to do.
Logan: The Lord’s Supper is to represent the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples and is used as a way to remember that Jesus is still here with us. As we take the bread and wine or grape juice, the community is brought closer together. The bread symbolizes Jesus’ flesh, and the wine represents Jesus’ blood.
Theo: Baptism is like an initiation to the church, and it is when God claims us as one of his own. It shows that we believe in and want to be accepted by God. It is usually done to newborn children or just new members.
Taylor: What do you believe about sin?
Matthew: I believe that a sin is something that the Lord does not want us to do. I believe that we sin because we are human and we are not perfect.
Madelyn: I believe that sin is when we do something that goes against God's Word. People sin because they think either that is the better thing to do, or it is the easier thing to do. God is trying to make the evil in the world see the light again, and become good.
Ben: I believe that God lets bad things happen because He will always be in the middle of it. I believe that bad things happen to good people. If someone is going through a hard time we can tell them that we are there for them and so is God.
Taylor: What do you believe about the Resurrection?
Matthew: I believe that when we die we go up to heaven and live eternally because it shows that Jesus was risen from the dead. I believe that Jesus died for our sins. Easter gives us hope that we will go to heaven after we die because he died for our sins.
Madelyn: I believe that after we die, our souls go to heaven, but our bodies stay on earth. There we will meet up with God and live the afterlife in heaven. The Easter story gives us hope that someday we will be able to come back to earth, as just our souls, or with a body. It also talks about resurrection, or how Jesus came back to earth to finish up his life and to show people that he was really the Savior.
Theo: I believe that when you die, if you have faith in God, you will ascend into heaven to be with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Easter story gives us lots of hope for the future. Even though it may seem that evil is looming, good can come from it. When Jesus was crucified, many thought that all hope was lost. Jesus was later resurrected, showing that anything is possible through Christ.
Taylor: What do you believe about prayer?
Matthew: I believe that prayer is talking to God. I believe that I am just getting started in this journey learning about God. I am always going to have questions; that means that I will always have stuff to learn.
Madelyn: I pray a lot and think about God whenever things go either wrong or right. I also thank him for the world that he created. Prayer is something that people do when they want to talk to God. It gives them a chance to offer their thanks, blessings, and ask for help/guidance.
Ben: I feel close to God because I pray and go to church and participate in church-related things. I believe prayer is talking to God. At night I pray and usually I pray about what is on my mind, and then I always pray for the soldiers, the sick, suffering, and the dying. Also I pray for those that might need a prayer.
Taylor: Why do you want to be confirmed?
Logan: I definitely want to be confirmed because I get to truly be a part of Sunnyside and God’s church. I will get to have a say in matters relating to the church, and I can experience the opportunities of a deacon or an elder. I will have a chance to give my talents and efforts to the church as well. This rite of passage means a lot to me and will be a big step in my journey in the church as an official member and a big step in my relationship with God. Membership in this church would allow me to become more involved with the church than I am right now, and it will also give me a better chance to connect with God through song and prayer.
Madelyn: I do want to be confirmed because it will help me to be able to become more active in the church. I will also have more of a say in what is going on in my faith life. This rite of passage means that I have a duty to fulfill in the church. I can serve the church in more ways than I can now, like becoming a youth Deacon or Ruling Elder. Another thing that I can do is to volunteer more in and outside the church.
Ben: I want to be confirmed because I want to have a say in the churches new ideas and improvements. I want to be confirmed because I will become a grownup, and I will be an official member of the church. In a few years, I want to become a Deacon or Ruling Elder. But right now I want to be a part of the church service and do community projects with the church.
Matthew: I want to become confirmed because I want to be locked in with my religion and my faith. It means that I am the next generation to pass through and teach this religion, and I want to be part of this church and the church community. I want to become a member of the church because I want to give my time to the church.
Theo: I want to be confirmed because I have faith in God, and I want to become a full member of the Church. When you are confirmed that is the next step in your spiritual journey. This is a huge part of my life. It has helped me grow closer to God and learn about the Bible and why things happen. It has also helped me form strong connections with people I knew but were not that close to. After Confirmation, I would like to stay as an active member of the church and help out as much as I can. This could be more service or even serving in a position at this church. This process has made me even more interested in the Christian church, and I look forward to learning more.
Taylor: Amen.